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6 Important Health Tips for the Winter Season

6 Important Health Tips for the Winter Season

Winter is almost here, which means higher rates of infections and other health-related problems. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that the average adult will catch between three and five cold infections a year, most of which occur in winter. Thankfully, there are ways to reduce the risk of infection and promote better health this time of year.

#1) Use a Humidifier

In addition to cooler temperatures, winter is also accompanied with drier air. Exposure to this excessively dry air can cause blood vessels in the nasal passages to dry out and crack open; thus, resulting in infection-prone wounds. To prevent this from happening, install a humidifier in your bedroom.

#2) Get a Flu Shot

While not foolproof, a flu vaccine can reduce your risk of catching the influenza virus by as much as 60%. After receiving the shot, your immune system will develop its own antibodies to protect against the flu strains for which the shot was developed. Most health experts recommend getting the vaccine in November, shortly before the flu season begins.

#3) Stock Up On Hand Sanitizer

Washing your hands is one of the most effective ways to protect against the transmission of illness-causing germs. However, hand sanitizer is equally as effective, and you can use it anywhere, anytime. So, stock up on hand sanitizer this winter to reduce your risk of catching the cold and flu virus.

#4) Stay Active

Many people neglect physical activity in the winter due to the cold weather. Once the winter temperatures arrive, they stop running or otherwise engaging in outdoor activities. Of course, this lack of exercise takes a toll on your health by suppressing your immune system, lowering your energy levels and disturbing your sleep cycle. Therefore, you should follow a regimen that involves at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. Whether indoors or outdoors, physical activity is essential to staying healthy this winter.

#5) Add Zinc To Your Diet

There's no cure for the common cold, but zinc may shorten its duration. Studies show that zinc, when taken at the first sign of a cold, can shorten its duration. Furthermore, zinc has been shown to boost metabolism and promote healthy weight management.

#6) Relax

The holidays are a stressful time for year for millions of Americans. When you begin to feel stressed, however, you should take a few steps back to relax and unwind, because stress can trigger physical symptoms like high blood pressure and trouble sleeping.